
grow my businessBusiness Growth Habits for Christian Entrepreneurs

As Christian entrepreneurs, we want to have a growing business so that we can help more people.  You can’t help people if they don’t know about your product or service.  You can have the best product in the world, but if you want to grow your business, you need to do whatever it takes to make sure people know about it.


Understand your customer

The first step to growth in any type of business is to understand your customer.  (Read our article on how to understand customers better.) You must know your customer so well that when they come into your store or read your webpage, they think, “This is just for me.”

Think about the places you enjoy doing business with.  You probably feel like they ‘get’ you.  You like the lay out, colors, the words they use, etc.

You want to do the same thing for your customer. WOW them by how well you understand them.  Then, you won’t just have customers, you will have loyal fans that will stick with you through thick and thin.


Understand what you sell

After you understand your customers, you want to understand what you sell.  Remember, if your product is drills, you are not selling drills.  You are selling holes. People want a hole and they buy a drill to get the result they want.

People want solutions and results.  Really dig down into what you sell.  What emotions will your customer have after using your product?  What will their life be like without your company?

Here’s a fun exercise:  Write down what a customer’s life is like before they use your product.  Then, write down how their life has changed after they use your product.  Be creative and notice any repeated words.  If you have trouble doing this exercise, you don’t know your customer well enough and you don’t really know what you are selling. (Don’t be offended about this, go take action, get to know your customer and grow your business.)


Understand your marketing strategy

Once you understand your customers and really know what you are selling, you must take action on that knowledge.  You want to create a marketing strategy.

Now before you start to check out, let me break this down simply.  A marketing strategy is simply know where your customers are and giving them an opportunity to know about your product.  It does not have to be complicated or salesy.  It just needs to show you genuinely care and are true to your word.

Pick one strategy and try that strategy as your one focus.  Put considerable effort into developing that strategy and making it work.  You want to learn all you can about your marketing strategy and really give it your best effort.   You may even consider hiring a a marketing professional to help give guidance or do it for you.  Whatever you do, make sure you track results and it lines up with what you know about your product and your customer.




Growing a business is all about the fundamentals.  The only way to grow your company is to understand your customers and understand what you actually sell.  Then, armed with that knowledge you set a strategy to make sure as many customers know about your business as possible.

Check out our other articles on marketing:

If you are really ready to grow your business, sign up for our Growth Membership.  It is affordable and provides training and resources to help you grow as a Christian and an entrepreneur.  Remember our motto: Grow your Faith, Grow your Business.  I’ll see you on the inside.

I would be remiss here if I did not remind you to pray about your strategy.  Make sure it is something that lines up with your customers and your business.  God will give you success if you listen to Him and wait on His leadership in your business.


Business Growth Formula= Know Your Product + Know Your Customers + Tell ‘Em. –Rev. Lyle. #ChristianBusiness #ChristianEntrepreneur Click To Tweet

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