business in the Bible

Our goal here at Christian Business Revolution is to raise the biblical awareness of the Bible’s affect on business growth.  In our series we have covered how to start reading, what bible versioin to learn and what Bible verses are great for Christian business owners.

In this article, we are going to quickly go through some tips on how to get more out of your Bible reading.  Read pver the whole article, then take one tip at a time and learn the practice.  Remember, knowledge without application is useless as faith without action.  If you have faith that the Bible can grow you business, you owe it to yourself to get as much as you can from scripture reading.

Christian Business Owners Bible Reading Tips

  • Read Parallel Versions

    Use a website like BibleGateway to read more than one version side by side. You can buy a Bible with multiple versions as well, but remember that will double the size of your Bible.  Personally, when I am doing a bit of digging, I start with the NIV or ESV, then check the AMP version and the MSG.  The Amplified version show the nuance of each word if there is more than one way to translate it.  The Message version is a very modern paraphrase and puts the passage in modern context.

  • Smart Phone Apps

    Use an app like YouVersion. You can read, select different translations and there are even Bible study plans available.  You can sign in with them and download some of the versions directly to your phone so you can read them even when you don’t have a signal on your phone.

  • Read Bible while listening

    If you use a website or app, often you can hear the Bible read by professionals while you read along. It helps you stay focused and keeps your mind active because you are reading and listening at the same time.

  • Read whole chapters

    We often read the Bible a verse at a time. The entire book was meant to be read in one setting.  I suggest reading the whole book (while listening), then go back and read a section at a time, like a chapter.

  • Reread and meditate

    Reread anything that pops out or speaks to you. That may be God trying to talk to you through His word.  Take a moment to pause, breathe deeply and sit in silence to fully think about what that passage is saying.  Look it up in different versions and let it sink in until you feel like you have heard from God.

  • Look for repeated words

    If a word or phrase is repeated in a section, the author is trying to get you to notice. Read the words or phrases together and see what is different.

  • Look for cross references

    Cross references are places where the same phrase is used somewhere else in the Bible. Many Bibles have these noted in the middle column or if you are online, there is usually a link to the other reference.  Look at where the verse came from for a deeper understand about what the author was trying to say.

  • Take notes

    Journal what you are reading and what God is saying. You can use a fancy journal, a simple notebook or an electronic device.  Just use what works for you. You can also take notes in your Bible.  I know it is hard for some people to write in their Bible, but a well-used Bible is better than one never read.  If you are worried about that, you can buy a Bible with a space specifically to take notes.  Note: When you journal or take notes you can be creative or just list bullet points.  It is for your personal growth and who knows, one day it may just help someone come closer to knowing Christ.

  • Get a good Bible

    Make sure you read about the different types of Bible translations. You want a Bible with words big enough for you to read, written at a level that is easy for you to understand and sturdy enough to last.  It is an investment in your spiritual life, but sites like often has a clearance section where you can get a great Bible at a great price.

  • Online Commentaries

    You really should read the passage and try to understand it for yourself. After you have dug in and read several translations, only then should you go to a commentary.  A commentary is another person’s understanding of that passage.  You may gain some really good insights, but keep your knowledge based in the word of God instead of following what someone else says.  Always start with God’s word, dig into what it says and only then are you allowed to see what others said about it.

I hope you enjoyed this mini-series.  I know that Christian business owners are busy people.  I also know how important the Bible is to your personal life as well as the life of your company.  That is why I created this series.

If you missed any of this series, here are the links to the complete Bible verses and Bible reading series for busy Christian business owners:


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