
Christians grow business3 Reasons Christians should grow a business

I think Christians miss out on many blessings because they are not willing to step out and take chances.  Whether it is witnessing to a friend, or growing a business, Christians should be bold about their faith in a God who gave them wisdom, courage and strength.

Today, let’s talk about three reasons Christians should grow their business.  I am sure there are those that say, “We’ll just wait for God to grow our business.”  I want to make sure you understand that waiting on God is a good thing.  Waiting without taking action is not wise.  God does not steer a parked car.


Growing a business means helping more people.

First and foremost, your business is helping people.  You want to help people with your product or service.  Beyond that you are helping your employees, your community and your family by providing for them.  When you grow your business wisely, you are helping an ever increasing number of people.


Growing a business means you are becoming more influential.

As your business grows, you become more influential and more people will listen to you.  They will see you as a success and you will have a larger platform to tell them of the blessings that you have received from God.  Don’t discount success as a means to introduce people to Christ.


Growing a business is the most spiritual thing you can do as a business owner.

This may sound counterintuitive, but I want to put this in perspective.  Growing your business gives you a larger platform from which to share about God.  People listen to people who are successful and it allows you to impact their lives.

When you succeed, people look at your habits and want to copy what you do.  The reason growing your business is such a spiritual endeavor is because you are reading your Bible, actively getting involved in church, leading others, serving, and giving.  People will see that you are living a life of integrity because ultimately God is your CEO.



I am not going to pretend growing a business in and of itself is spiritual.  What makes is spiritual is the enlivened power of God working in and through your business.

Remember the prayer of Jabez?  “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.” I Chronicles 9:10

God did not bless Jabez just because he asked.  God blessed him because He knew Jabez would be an influential person who would speak for the King of Kings.  The Bible says his influence came from his honor and that honor was directly rooted in the power of God.

Christian, I want to encourage you to grow your business.  If you need some help, get involved with our growth membership and get on the right path or at least find a mentor or accountability partner that can help you grow. We grow best when we grow together strengthening and encouraging one another.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Growing a business is the most spiritual thing you can do as a business owner. #ChristianBusiness #ChristianEntrepreneur Click To Tweet

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