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FREE Faith Membership

(Find out More about our FREE Christian Business Membership)





OUR GROWTH Membership which included group coaching
is currently CLOSED.

If you would like to interact with us we’d love to see you on our social feeds at Youtube or Facebook.

NOTE: If you are interested in our group coaching membership and would like to be made aware of our next Growth Membership Group, please use our contact page or send an email to revlyle [at]

While we have a desire to help people, we had to close our growth membership for now.

If you have any suggestions or would like to get on a waiting list for a paid membership, let us know by going to our contact page.

Below you is the original introductory page for our growth membership.

I recently heard a Christian Entrepreneur say: ” I started out with a specific job-focused goal . . but my main thing is to be a man of God, not a work thing.  I pushed that into my main goal and the work stuff started getting set aside and my business wasn’t growing.”

That is why this page exists!

Can you grow your business and still grow spiritually? YES!

Dear Christian Business Owner,

Are you struggling to grow your business as a Christian and keep your faith strong?

I understand all too well.  As Christians, we have to run our business just like everyone else.  We have to handle our products, people, promotion, place and profits.  Then, on top of all that we have to carefully navigate all of our decisions to make sure they line up with our Christian morals.

I understand the challenges that come with owning a business and still trying to grow your faith.  It feels like one of them has to give.

Being a Christian in the business world opens you up to all kinds of ridicule and persecution just be being a Christian. Why is it that Christians can’t take a stand for what they believe in without being called a hypocrite or intolerant?

My wife and I bought an Italian restaurant.  In the first year, I literally had Christians putting me down by saying I was only out for money.  Some even started spreading rumors that I was evading taxes when I was actually helping a family in the community and legally paying my fair share of taxes and then some.

I realized being a Christian business owner is actually harder than just being a ‘regular’ business owner.  We have to deal with ‘regular’ people as well as criticism from other Christians.  That is why I have developed the Christian Business Revolution to help create a solid foundation to business and Christian morals, but more on that in a minute…

See, I actually ended up having to close my restaurant and I don’t want that to happen to you!

After I left my business, I went into a deep study of God’s word and many business books and training.  I learned timeless business principles that are relevant to today’s fast-paced market.  Basically, I want to help other Christian business owners grow their business while keeping their faith intact so I developed a monthly membership site.

Let’s talk about what’s in the training each month:

  • Weekly Business-Focused Bible Studies and challenges

  • Downloadable Bible study for your church or office

  • Monthly LIVE webinars where you can get your questions answered

  • Powerful interviews with other Christian business owners.

  • Practical business worksheets, checklists and resources. .

I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for the value I am offering, but I wanted to make this a no- brainer, because I want to change as many people’s lives as possible.  For a limited time, I am offering this powerful God-centered training for only $27 a month and you can cancel at any time.  That is less than most people pay a Business-focused Bible study alone, and this program is much more than just a Bible study.

Join Today


Look, you don’t have to wait till your business falls or you end up in bankruptcy before you learn the principles to grow your business and your faith. I have designed this training with Christian business owners like you in mind because I am one of them.

I now run a successful company and have helped many others build, grow and sustain their businesses. I work with people locally and began to wonder, “How can I help other Christian business owners, so they don’t get tripped up like I was?”  As I began to research what was out there for Christian business owners, I was disappointed to say the least.  I said to myself, “I must do something about this.  We need a Christian Business Revolution.”  I began to pray and I really felt God wanted me to create this page.  Trust me, I hesitated, but I had to be obedient and listen to God’s prompting.

Christian Business Revolution is more than just a Bible study about business.  You will get more out of these trainings than most business growth books on Amazon today, and you be able to put the training into practice in a lot less time.  Plus, this is the only membership for Christian business owners where you get live help each month.  Not to mention worksheets, checklists, resources, interviews and much more.

All this for only $27.

In our training, we will learn to study the Bible and apply it directly to our business.  We will learn business growth principles that we can put into practice each month with live Q and A.  Plus, we will have worksheets, checklists and resources to guide us as we grow our faith and our business to make everything simple to implement.

A wise man once said, “You can make mistakes for yourself, or you can learn from others.” Why not learn from my mistakes and grow your business now?  Join now for only $27 a month.

Join Today


Let’s talk about the value of what you get.  I will base these on actual prices other Christians are selling their products for online.

  • Weekly Business Focused Bible Studies – $35
  • Live Training with Q and A – $197
  • Interviews and case studies – $197
  • Checklists, worksheets and training resources – $69 minimum
  • Total VALUE: $498

Each month you will receive around $500 worth of valuable business help for only $27!

BONUS for 2016: Each month you will receive $20 worth of credits to use on OnTrendGraphics.  You get access to all of their images, graphics and logos to use in your business to help your membership with Christian Business Revolution go even further.  How’s that for value!

I told you I wanted to make this affordable to everyone.  I really want to help Christian business owners grow their businesses and honor God.  If you met with me personally for this kind of training, I would have charge hundreds of dollars because I know the value I offer and you are getting that training for pennies on the dollar.

As an ordained minister and businessman for over twenty years, I know how hard people work for their money.  I also know how limited our time is, so I have created a system to help you put all that you learn into practice simply and quickly.  If you want to grow your business and your faith join today and get started today for only $27.



Join Today for only $27


I look forward to seeing you on the inside and I will be praying for you!


Reverend Lyle

PS: If you dropped down to the bottom of this page, you are like me and want to get to the point.  I am offering a powerful online membership training for Christian business owners with a real world value of over $498 per month for only $27 per month.  You can ask questions with our live training, get practical Bible studies with application to your business, interviews with other Christian business owners and lots of other valuable resources like checklists and worksheets.  You can grow your business and your faith at the same time.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Join now, only $27 a month and you will get $20 in bonus credits with OnTrendGraphics.  You can cancel at any time.

Join Today for only $27

and receive $20 in image credits EACH MONTH to On Trend Graphics!!


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