3 Spiritual Habits for Christian Entrepreneurs
Christian entrepreneurs realize that as they grow their faith, their business will be better. They will have better products, better employees, better families, etc. That is not to say everything will be perfect. It will just get better as they learn to rely on God and His guidance.
As we start to talk about spiritual habits, we could come up with a list of over ten different basic habits. It could be overwhelming for someone who is just getting their spiritual life in order. The key is to implement one habit at a time.
For those of us who have been around a while, consider what you are doing in each category to grow spiritually. I broke down spiritual habits into three core sections. I do not pretend to have an exhaustive list, I just wanted to give a tangible way to think about your spiritual walk.
Take time to develop a little better spiritually of each month. It may sound weird to you, but when was the last time you set a goal in your spiritual life?
Let’s dive right in . . .
Prayer Habit
Prayer is more than a few sentences mumbled out as you go to bed. Prayer is an integral part of your day. From decisions you need to make at work, to caring for family members, prayer is something that can become a continual habit all day long.
When you make coffee, thank God for providing the earth with coffee. When an employee is doing well, thank God for that employee. When something breaks, thank God for that being the only thing that broke and ask Him for guidance on getting it fix.
See how we progressed in that simple paragraph? We went from self (coffee) to our business and others (employees) to asking for God’s guidance. Prayer is that simple.
Before we move on, let’s talk quickly about listening. Prayer is not just talking to God. It is also hearing from God. We must be still and silent and really reach out to listen to what God has to say.
We may have a post about listening to God later, but for now think of it like a radio. We have to tune in to just the right station before we can hear clearly. Setting spiritual habits I your life is that tuning process.
Learning Habit
The learning habit starts with the Bible. We can talk about reading the Bible, memorizing scriptures, attending Bible study and all those other things, but I want to make it as simple as possible. You should be reading God’s word daily, period, end of sentence.
If you are not reading God’s word, how can you expect to hear from Him. You haven’t tuned your ear to what He has to say. All of your spiritual learning comes from the Bible. Sure, there may be a devotional or Bible study that would help, but the Bible should be central. If your devotion book does not point you to read the Bible, you should get a new devotional book.
That is one of the reasons why I have provided the Faith Membership for free. In it, we have a Bible study that helps business owners focus on their spiritual life. We also have a study that goes through the entire Bible in eight sessions. Either of these are free to use in your office, home or church. You just have to sign up for the free membership.
Which brings me to the next step in learning, teaching others. Everyone can teach someone who does not know as much as them. It does not have to be some organized three-point lesson. It can simply be a spiritual conversation focused on a specific verse or passage in the Bible. You will learn considerably more when teach someone else.
Community Habit
This one may be the most intensive of all the habits. I live in America and we have a western mentality that is individual focused. The Bible is an Eastern book that is focused on community. Community is how you interact with your neighbors, family, staff and customers. Community is where you spend your time.
Community for Christians usually starts in the church. It is a place to gather with other believers for worship, prayer and learning. It is a place to join small groups to grow together and a place to be accountable to fellow believers.
Community is not just the bubble we have at church. It reaches beyond the church into our home and business life. It tells us to love, share and care for everyone we meet. It is not just evangelism we should focus on, it is building relationships and getting to know those people that God put in our path in the church and in the world.
Christian entrepreneurs should grow spiritually no matter what the circumstances. We must put effort into our spiritual habits and grow closer to God each and every day. There is no person who can’t find time to pray and read God’s word. If you don’t have time, something is horribly wrong in your life!
Take some action. In your calendar write these three categories and one action you will take in each. For prayer, it may be sitting aside 20-30 minutes each day to be quiet and spend time in prayer. For learning, it may be committing to read a chapter a day every day. For community, it may be committing to be a faithful attender at a local church weekly.
If you want more help, here are some great articles about growing spiritually:
If you are not sure about how Christianity fits into your business, read these articles:
- Why run a business with Christian values?
- What happens when a business is run on Christian values?
- What is a Christian Entrepreneur?
Don’t forget about our Faith Membership. Take advantage of this totally free offer. You will have access to 2-minute Bible studies you can download for your phone, a Bible study for Christian business owners and a short Bible study that walks you through the entire Bible so you can understand it better. All of this is free, you just have to sign up.
NOTE: if you have a friend who is a Christian entrepreneur, why not sign up together and grow as a team? Just send them a link to this page or share it on social media.
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