investing in yourselfWhen it comes to owning a business, your most valuable asset is you.  You were given the dream, desire and decision to grow your business.  God created you in such a way that you were meant to do something to impact the world.

Before we go too far, let’s look at the biblical foundation for this concept.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

You may say, “This is not about investing.  It’s about worshiping God and loving others.”  I would agree to some extent, but I want you to look further.

The verse says to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  How can you do that unless you are healthy in heart, soul, mind and strength?  How can you do that unless you have invested in yourself in all four of those areas of growth?

When we invest in ourselves we are investing in our worship of God. 


We want to love God with all of our heart.  We must invest time in emotional development.  We must seek deep into who we are and find our purpose.  We must then, worship God out of that purpose.

We want to love God with all of our soul.  We must invest time in developing our spiritual lives through Bible study, involvement with church, accountability, giving, worship, prayer, etc.  We must develop who we are as spiritual beings and children of God.

We want to love God with all of our mind.  We must sharpen our minds so that we can worship God with all of our faculties.  We must be ever growing our minds in the purpose that God has given us here on earth in order to honor Him.

We want to love God with all of our strength.  We must start by understanding that our body is God’s temple.  We must feed it healthy food.  We must commit to regular exercise, rest, etc.  We can’t worship God unless we first have the strength to do so in our body.

Investing in yourself is the first way that you begin honoring God.  If we go back to the verse, it says to love our neighbors as ourselves.  If we don’t love ourselves, how can we love our neighbors?  If we don’t love ourselves, how can we truly worship a God who created us the way we are?

As Christians, we should always be striving to be better in all areas of live.  When we start with the simple things we can control, we find ourselves loving God and loving others in increasing capacity.

Think of a 1% growth in each category over the next year. Here are some ways you may want to consider investing in the following areas:



  • Take a personality test and get to know yourself better.
  • Evaluate your family life and your relationship with friends.  Get rid of any grudges and live in forgiveness.
  • Read Psalms and other Bible stories to identify emotions you relate to and see how people in the Bible dealt with those same emotions.



  • Take a spiritual gifts test online and determine how God has made you to interact with the world.
  • Commit to regular spiritual habits: Bible reading, Prayer, Church involvement, Giving, etc.
  • Listen to Christian music (any style you prefer).
  • Listen to Christian leaders in business, pastors, or other areas that interest you (Youtube, Podcasts, etc.)



  • Read a book that helps you in business.
  • Listen to a podcast from a leader you respect in the business world, preferably Christian leaders.
  • Watch a video about a topic that stretches your mind. (Don’t be afraid of opposing views.)



  • Keep a food journal for a week and evaluate your typical diet. Adjust small areas to better your nutrition.
  • Implement a simple exercise routine start once a week, then three times a week, then six!
  • Get a fitness coach or accountability partner to help keep you on track.


I am not saying do all of these at once.  Pick ONE AREA and do ONE THING. Investments grow best little by little.

Life and growth is about small incremental moments.  1% growth in any area is easily attainable.  It could be a simple walk around the block, read a chapter of Bible each day and find a Christian podcast to listen to.

Note: you can do all three of these at the same time.  Listen to the podcast while you walk and eat a fruit or veggie while you walk . . . that’s a three for one . . . and if the podcast is Christian, it could be a little growth in all four areas with one simple activity.

Investing in yourself is not hard.  It just takes a bit of planning and strategy.  If you need help, contact a Christian business coach or find a mentor in your local area.

Remember, investing in yourself is honoring God with all of who you are. #ChristianBusiness #ChristianEntrepreneur Share on X

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