Prayer for the Beginning of the Year
Dear God, my CEO who knows my future.
Thank you for bringing me to a new year.
Thank you for the blessings and lessons from last year.
I want to consecrate this year to you. It is Your year.
Every decision I make will be guided by your wisdom working in my life.
Help me to set goals that line up with Your goals.
Help me to set plans that put me on the path where you want me.
Guide me to step only when You say and not get ahead of what you have for me.
God, you are my CEO. I will meet with you every morning for your guidance.
Please help me to hear you ever clearer as I grow in my business and my faith.
With this new year, I honor you, God.
To You be the glory, honor and praise.
God knows the future, let Him guide your business. #prayer #ChristianBusiness #ChristianEntrepreneur Share on X