Christian Entrepreneur Coaching

Grow Your Business Without Compromising Your Faith

If you want a solid biblical foundation for your business growth, we need to talk.

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Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Business Goals Based on God’s Will

Too often we try to set our goals based on what others have told us or what some guru said.  The big question for the Christian entrepreneur is, “Did you set your goals based on what God wants for you and your business?”

Discerning God’s will for your life and business can not be done through a book other than the Bible.  We must dig into God’s word for leadership, guidance and wisdom.  If you need help, that is exactly why Christian Entrepreneur Coach exists.


Charge forward

Let’s build a business roadmap based on biblical standards

Setting up your business based on the Bible can help grow your business.  Look at one of the most famous examples in Chick-Fil-A.

  • Base your business on integrity and biblical values.
  • Run your business based on biblical standards.
  • Grow your business without changing your values.

Christian Based Business Growth

Grow Your Business with God. Get In Touch For a Free Consultation

Business Consulting

Marketing Strategies

Brand Optimization

Website Development

Video Marketing

Course Production

Podcast Creation

Membership Set up

Digital Storefront Development


How We Can Help

We come along side you with prayer and focus.  We want to help you pave the way for your business growth without compromising your standards.  We can give you the coaching you need. Plus, if you need help implementing, we have a trained team to help with everything from logos and business cards to web development and social media.  We are here to serve you the best way we know how which is laid out by Jesus Christ.

One On One Coaching

Meet with Reverend Lyle for one on one coaching to help you reach your goals.

Group Coaching

Join our Christian Entrepreneur Growth Mastermind Membership

Start a business

We can help from creation to implementation.  If you don’t have an idea, we even have a business for you.

Grow A Business

We can help you streamline your online branding to get better results and get your business growing for you.

From Our Founder

True Growth Happens with a Godly Coach

There are a ton of coaches out there.  Some of them are great.  The question we must ask is, can this coaches help me grow my business and keep my faith?”

I’ve seen too many lost families, too many broken entrepreneurs and too many failing businesses.  It’s time to release God’s power into our lives as entrpreneurs.


Get In Touch

We are located in the Dallas, TX area but proudly serve entrepreneurs across the U.S.

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