The FREE Membership for Christian Business Owners

The CBRFree Membership aims to give you greater insights into God’s word and how you can apply it to your business.

With the Free Membership you will receive access to:

  • A specially designed seven week Bible Study to strengthen your faith as a business owner.
  • An easy to use Bible Study you can use to lead others in your work, family or church group through an overview of the entire Bible
  • Bonus trainings and tools that can help you in your business and/or faith.

NOTE: If you already signed up for our newsletter, you still need to sign up for Membership.

If you sign up for Membership, you will also be added to our Newsletter where you will receive weekly Bible studies sent directly to your inbox.  These are not ‘normal’ Bible studies, they are revolutionary Bible studies specifically for Christians in business.

Sign up for FREE

Basically, our membership has two goals:

1. We help Christian business owners grow spiritually: through Bible studies, motivation and blog posts.

2. We help Christian business owners grow their business through our Christian Business website/membership and other aligned companies: offering marketing strategies, training webinars, business events, business training and Christian Entrepreneur coaching.

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