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Pray to get out of a business slump


God, I know that you are in control, but it is tough sometimes.

I am in a tough spot and I am not sure what I need to do.

I am turning to you in obedience waiting to hear from You.


God, show me Your business.  Show me what you want from me today.

If I need to increase marketing, show me where I need to be.

If I need to hire or fire someone, show me the best way to lead.

If I need to take another direction, show me the new path clearly.


God, I am struggling, but I know this is Your business.

I wait on you as my CEO and trust that you will guide me.

Today I will take action on whatever you say.


Lead me.  Guide me. Show me.

I ask all of this in the name of your son Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Father, Amen.


God guide us to success when we listen to Him in prayer. #ChristianBusiness #ChristianEntrepreneur Click To Tweet



Action after your prayer:

  • Take at least hour to sit and listen for God’s guidance in prayer.
  • Open your employee list and pray for each one by name.
  • Open your customer list and pray for each one by name.
  • Open your bank account and pray for your finances.
  • Then, sit still again and jot down anything that pops into your mind and answer these questions:
    • Where is God leading me right now?
    • Where do I think God is leading me next?
    • What one action can I do today that will get me out of this slump?
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