
prayer for business motivation

Prayer for Motivation



God, you are a great and mighty God.

Prepare me to do Your will.

I know that You are in charge of my life and I submit to You in obedience.

Who do you want me to help today?


Give me the energy and wisdom to take action.

Give me the power to lead Your business.

Give me the fervency to help someone today.


I know that I am your child.

You have gifted me in business.

And it is You that has given me this great opportunity.

Thank you for allowing me to be in business.

Let me honor You with my actions today.


I will take an action to grow my business today.

By the power of your Son and the strength of the Holy Spirit,

I pray for your guidance, Father.

Blessed be your Name.



Business motivation comes from taking action on where God leads. #ChristianBusiness #ChristianEntrepreneur Click To Tweet



ACTION for after your prayer:

What is one thing you can do today that will get you closer to your goals?

Make that phone call. Talk to that employee or customer.

Do that one thing you have been putting off that you know will grow your business?

You are a mighty conqueror through Christ.  Overcome your fear and take specific, directed action now.

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