
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

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(running time 2 minutes 12 seconds)

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Whenever you are having a rough time, go to the Psalms. Many of them are David’s crying out for the crazy world he is thrust in to.  He is real, raw and relevant to anything we are going through. Think about it.  One of the biggest businesses of the day was being the king over an area of land.

In today’s Psalm, we get to peak into David’s morning prayer.  We can hear him crying out about his enemies and wicked people who seem to be prospering.  He asks God to get rid of all the deceit from the people around him.

Look at verse 8.  David cries out for God to lead him in righteousness.  He begs God to “make your way straight before me.”  He is literally saying, “God lead me to do the right thing and I will wait on your to show me the way.”

How often do you pray that God will lead you to righteousness?  How often do you wait for God to make your way straight so you may have success?

When we seek after God’s righteousness, we seek God.  God become central to our way of living and becomes the linchpin to our decisions.  When we wait on God to show us the path, we must be willing to walk that path no matter what the cost.

I want to make sure you understand something about waiting on God.  Waiting on God does not mean you are standing still.  God gave you skills, abilities and opportunities.  You are to walk in the light that you have and trust in God to show you the next step.

Do you see how that is living by faith and trusting in Him?  If God showed us the entire path, we would take off running and forget that God was the one who laid out the path.  God wants us to rely on Him each and every step of the way.

David ends this Psalm with a statement of confidence.  He knows that God will bless the righteous.  He knows that he is righteous because he asked God for it.  Then He reminds himself that God surrounds his life with favor.

Favor means that God will line things up to work in perfect harmony with His plan.  What would it look like if you walked in perfect harmony with God’s plan?

We walk by faith.  God gives us as much of a plan as we can handle.  Each time we walk forward in faith and trust in God’s plan, we come closer to success and closer to God.  Business owners who wake up each day and cry out to God for righteousness and guidance will always have their days start on the right path.

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

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